Statement of intent
We want children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in the setting and to feel secure and comfortable with staff. We also want parents to have confidence in both their children’s well being and their role as active partners with the setting.

We aim to make the setting a welcoming place where children settle quickly and easily because consideration has been given to the individual needs and circumstances of children and their families.

• Before a child starts to attend the setting, we use a variety of ways to provide his/her parents with information. These include written information (including our prospectus and policies which are uploaded onto our website), displays about activities available within the setting and open days.
• Unfortunately due to the COVID19 pandemic we cannot allow parents or external visitors onto the premises at this time and ,needless to say, neither can we cannot offer an open door policy. However, we will do all we can to assist and provide parents with the information they require.
• We allocate a key person to each child and his/her family when she/he starts the setting;
• Children new to Nelmes Pre-School in September 2021 will be welcomed via the garden entrance and arrival times will be staggered to avoid overcrowding. Parents will be able to see their children playing for a short period over the garden fence but we would encourage parents to leave as soon as possible and before the next group of parents arrive. Parents are welcome to keep in touch with the setting by telephone to check on the progress of their child. If a child is having difficulty in settling then parents will be called and advised as to the best way forward by staff members.
• When a child first starts the setting we endeavour to explain the process of settling-in with his/her parents and jointly decide on the best way to help the child to settle into the environment.
• We do ask that you keep your mobile phone turned on at least for the first few sessions your child attends in case they become distressed and we feel he/she has had enough for the present moment. Three hours is a long time for a child in distress to ensure.
• When parents leave, we ask them to say goodbye to their child and explain that they will be coming back, and when.
