Every child’s needs are different so at Nelmes Pre-School we provide flexibility and opportunities for children to take naps and rest as they need and regard it to be a highly important part of their personal and developmental need.

We recognize parent/ carers’ knowledge of their child in regards to sleep routines and will, where possible, work together to ensure each child’s individual sleep routine and well-being continues to be met.

Rest Area

A rest area with large cushions is located within the ‘Two Year Old’ Area which has fencing surrounding it to ensure children can sleep without other children playing in close proximity.

Parent’s Wishes

Parent’s wishes are always valued and respected and staff work closely with them, to ensure each child’s individual needs are carefully met.  Some parents prefer their children to only have a short sleep – fearing that it infringes on their night time sleep and this will be taken into account PROVIDED it is also clearly in the child’s best interests. We will never force a child to stay awake or go to sleep.

Comfort Blankets

Comfort blankets and soft toys are most welcome as they bring enormous comfort and reassurance to small children especially when they are new to the nursery and during rest and sleep times.


Dummies are not encouraged within Pre-School as they can hamper a child’s speech, interaction with others and are a major cause of speech delay.


Staff are fully aware of the fact that children need to rest and sleep and appreciate that children have individual needs and routines which vary as they grow and develop.

Children are encouraged to indicate and say when they are tired and need to rest and are also encouraged to take a rest or nap if they need to.

Staff will not force a child to sleep or keep them awake against his or her will.

Parents are kept informed regarding their child’s sleep rest verbally on collection of their child.

Children will be monitored visually when sleeping and will never be left in a separate room to sleep.

When monitoring a sleeping child the staff member will look for the rise and fall of the chest, and if the sleep position has changed.

Should a child fall asleep while being nursed by a practitioner they will be transferred to a safe sleeping surface, in the ‘Two Year Old’ Area to complete their rest.
